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Inside The Tropospheric Laboratory

CCS sphere lab
videostill Fluid Matter: Agnes Meyer-Brandis / VG Bilkunst

Fluid Matter

Fluid Matter is a video and partition from the Cloud Core Scanner project (CCS)
and recorded within different states of gravity and microgravity during the scientific flight of the DLR
06:20 min., Slomotec Marathon Camera`s 200 LT, transferred to DVD PAL, 2009, Sound: Michael Moser

CCS sphere labvideostill Fluid Matter: Agnes Meyer-Brandis / VG Bilkunst

CCS sphere lab
videostill Fluid Matter: Agnes Meyer-Brandis / VG Bilkunst

CCS sphere labvideostill Fluid Matter: Agnes Meyer-Brandis / VG Bilkunst

CCS sphere lab
Fluid Matter, installation view, Schering Foundation, Berlin, 2010, foto: Roman Maerz

ffUR || "Forschungsfloss für Unterirdische Riffologie